A member of the EGMF

The purpose of EGMF is to represent major garden, landscaping, forestry and turf equipment manufacturers. They work and develop the highest standards of quality, safety, ergonomics, environment-friendliness and energy efficiency.
EGMF works proactively on a European level with users, manufacturers, distributors, research institutes and the European institutions on optimal solutions for these sometimes conflicting goals.
The mission
- To serve as a spokesman for the manufacturers of garden and outdoor power equipment on pan-European matters as well as to be recognized by the key regulatory bodies.
- To provide expertise to stakeholders on technical, marketing and other issues related to the involved industry.
- To provide an effective forum for exchange of information.
The European Lawnmower Manufacturers Federation was created in 1977. Its members were European manufacturers of lawnmowers for domestic, municipal and recreational use, and the national associations representing these manufacturers in France, Germany and the UK. It broadened its scope to cover all lawn and garden equipment and became the EGMF in 1993.
Initially, the main aim of the federation was to monitor and influence the production of technical documents on European and international standardisation in the fields of safety, noise, environmental impact and performance. The federation worked in close cooperation with the European Commission on the preparation of directives on the free circulation and use of lawnmowers and garden equipment in the European Union. The EGMF ensures that its views are taken into consideration by international scientific and technical organisations. It has regular contacts with its counterpart in the USA – the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI). EGMF
In 1998, with a view to improving its lobbying activities with the European institutions in Brussels and its contacts with decision-makers in the field, the EGMF established its general secretariat with Orgalime, the liaison group of the European mechanical, electrical, electronic and metalworking industries. Currently, EGMF members comprise 30 European manufacturers and 7 National Associations from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the UK which represent indirect EGMF members who are mainly SME manufacturers in their country